
For the past 23 years, we have been delivering high quality solutions to oil rigs and shipyards all around the globe: Angola, China, Croatia, Denmark, Dubai Gabon, Ghana, Libya, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania…

Reactivation Rig Atlantic Amsterdam Grenaa Denmark, High Island VII Dubai 2021, Survey Sevan Brasil Auba 2022

For more details about our respective clients, please check our reference list.

Our references

We attend trainings and gain certifications each year with the leading suppliers and training institutions, such as NOV, AKER Solutions or OPITO/UKOOA.

15 Years Experience


Certificates And Methods


Latest Technology

Jackup rig

Our mission

"We aim to offer superb and flexible rig consulting and maintenance solutions worldwide."

Our vision

"No. 1 international partner for achieving safe, no-downtime, high-efficiency rigs."


For a comprehensive reference list, please contact us.